Panel Discussion

Panel DiscussionSaudi Arabia’s Creative Powerhouse – Challenges and Opportunities5:00 pm - 5:45 pm Sultana Ballroom

Event Details

With a population of over 34 million people and a high purchasing power, Saudi consumers present immense opportunities for businesses to tap into their diverse needs and preferences. Furthermore, the country’s robust infrastructure, advanced telecommunications networks and modern retail landscape further enhance its appeal as a hub for marketing and advertising activities. In this session, industry leaders will discuss the challenges and opportunities faced by the creative industry of Saudi Arabia and give tips on how to succeed in this lucrative market.

  • What are the major challenges faced by the creative industry in Saudi Arabia, and how can these challenges be addressed to unlock its full potential?
  • What role does the Saudi Vision 2030 play in supporting the growth of the creative industry?
  • How to effectively target and engage with Saudi consumers? What are the unique characteristics and preferences of this consumer segment?
  • What role can collaboration and partnerships play in fostering innovation and creativity within the Saudi Arabian creative industry? How can organisations and individuals work together to maximise their impact?
  • How can education and skill development programmes contribute to the growth and sustainability of the creative industry in Saudi Arabia? What steps can be taken to nurture and empower the next generation of creative talents?

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