Panel Discussion

Panel DiscussionVisionary Voices: Leading and Shaping the Creative Industry2:00 pm - 2:45 pm Sultana Ballroom

Event Details

As the creative industry is going through a lot of transformations, CEOs are the ones guiding their agencies and ensuring they stay at the forefront of innovation, embracing emerging trends and technological advancements. Our esteemed speakers will also shed light on the importance of collaboration, strategies for growth and the role of sustainability and social responsibility within the creative industry.

  • What is the role of a CEO in fostering collaboration and partnerships within the creative industry to fuel innovation and collective growth?
  • What strategies help drive growth and profitability?
  • In an era of rapid technological advancements, how to ensure that your agency stays at the forefront of innovation and embraces emerging trends?
  • What is the role of sustainability and social responsibility within the creative landscape, and how to integrate these values into your work?

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