
TalkPower of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enabled Consumer Intelligence2:45 pm - 3:05 pm Sultana Ballroom

Event Details

Market research is a century-old industry, and since then nothing has changed in the true sense. For decisions where millions of dollars are at stake, organisations still rely on the claimed responses from a small sample of consumers.

AI-driven consumer intelligence expedites decision-making, uncovers opportunities before it is too late and revolutionises an organisation’s approach to data-driven strategies. All behavioural data, in real-time! Join the session to harness the true potential of AI in market research, where we discover how AI democratises access to data and insights, running AI models on first-party data with APIs and the transformative impact of GPT assistants!

  • How can you apply AI for consumer insights?
  • How to integrate GPT assistants for interpreting data and insights?
  • What are the AI-driven market research studies that will enable you to drive higher ROI?
  • How can you take control of data for everyday consumer-driven decision making?

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