This talk sheds light on the importance of investing in your talent. The only way to extract value from people is by creating value for them first. And let karma
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This talk sheds light on the importance of investing in your talent. The only way to extract value from people is by creating value for them first. And let karma do the rest.
How are people motivated? Difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?
Can we change from one to another or are we stuck?
How does spending more on talent make me more money?
Khalid lives by the motto “motivated by the possibility of future regret”. A UTSA graduate, built his experience over 10 years in Advertising with Leo Burnett, TBWA and most passionately with The Fullstop. Khalid believes advertising has the responsibility of enriching peoples’ knowledge and shedding light on social matters. He is living this notion with his co-created brand “Love your Mama”.
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