Shadi Almihmadi

Shadi Almihmadi

Account Director, Dentsu Creative KSA

Been in content creation professionally for 6years+ , from small start-up to production, it’s the agency life that caught me. Truth to be told, I held my first camcorder when I was 11, a gift from my dad who thought I needed some distraction…. Not sure about distracting but it triggered my curiosity, which turned into a passion. The shutter’s sound, the film, the pressure of my finger before shooting.​ Fast forward, digital has taken over, scrolling on social media has become a hobby, content creator has become a job. From behind the camera, I jumped front and launched my own channel, some sort of journal, an invitation to see the world through my lenses.​ Music addict, you could catch me if you’re very lucky lip-syncing the backstreets boys while cruising… although I must admit, the sound of the engine is often what really resonates with me. I owned 6 cars, couple of dirt bikes, ate sand, get lost many times, deflates my tires often enough to know that the desert can be a very cold space. Yet the feeling of freedom is the same every time.​ I have the nature at heart, and when wandering the ground of the planet becomes so crazy, I dive into the mysteries of the ocean, dreaming of a better world.​